Searing Solutions

Developing the future!

JavaScript Projects

Assignment 1 Assignment 3
Airventure Time Zones
My first project in a JavaScript programming class resulted in this Web site. Working with the Date/Time objects and methods and timed commands.

Assignment 4
Assignment 7
Periodic Table
This periodic Table of the Elements was created by taking advantage of a series of nested loops! In other words, it is NOT a canned graphic! Worked with Web forms and data validation using regular expressions.

Assignment 7, Case 3
Assignment 8
Computer Graphics and Image Processing
Park City Gazette
More advanced form processing and data validation.
Working with the event model to create a drag-and-drop shopping cart!

Assignment 8, Case 3
Assignment 9
Park City Gazette
Patti"s Potpourri
More event model programming.
Programming with cookies to implement a simple shopping cart.

Assignment 9, Case 3
Final Project
Mollie's Barn Boutique
Instrument Panel
More programming with cookies to implement a shopping cart and a customized greeting for returning shoppers after they log in.
Here's my JavaScript final programming project. It enables someone to create a layout of an aircraft instrument panel over the internet using a drag-and-drop technique. Kind of cool I think!